
The super lactoferrin formula contains 30% more active lactoferrin which guarantees 92% biological activity , highly bioavailable Iron and Zinc and 6 natural vitamins


Consists of:


Active Ingredients


Active Ingredients

11 mg

Micro dispersed zinc

 (95% Bioavailability )

100 mg

Super  lactoferrin

( 92% biological activity )

90 mg

Vitamin C

18 mg

Micro dispersed iron

 (95% Bioavailability )

1.2 mg

Vitamin B1

600 mcg

Folic acid

1.7 mg

Vitamin B6

1.3 mg

Vitamin B2



2.4 mg

Vitamin B12


Indications and uses:

Supports immunity in the following cases:

In pregnant women:

  1. Common cold and flu
  2. Urinary or pelvic infections
  3. Repeated chest infections

In children:

  1. Decrease in respiratory infections risk
  2. Decrease in gastroenteritis infections risk
  3. Supports physical and mental growth

In adults:

  1. Repeated Chest Infections
  2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease   
  3. Common cold and flu
  4. Positive & Suspected COVID- 19